> Bridging Worlds
There is a need for sustainability education at the Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences in Germany. However, many lecturers and researchers experience a lack of engagement and commitment to the topic among their students. There are many reasons for this situation, including an overwhelming focus on discussing sustainability without meaningful action, rising levels of climate anxiety and depression among youth, the abstract and often unclear nature of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the slow and reluctant implementation of these goals in political agendas. One valuable approach to overcome the lack of commitment and get new perspectives on teaching sustainability could be to draw inspiration from how Indigenous communities understand and practice sustainability. The field guide has the aim to provide toolkits and examples for applications in higher education.
Content of the teaser
1. Introduction
2. Integrating Indigenous perspectives in ESD
3. Indigenous Ways of Knowing (IWOK)
4. Storytelling in education
5. Toolkit
6. Example of one course
Download the teaser here: